Meet a Mom: Kristen Kelly! - Memorial Village Moms

This week’s Meet a Mom is Kristen Kelly! This talented mom of two is a contributor to both People and Parents magazines, with a focus on topics that are important to all of us these days, like motherhood and mental health. She aIso recently launched a podcast, Mom School. Hyde Park Moms spoke to Kristen about her career, community and being a working mom:


What’s your favorite thing about living in Hyde Park (in Cincinnati, OH)?
The community here is amazing. Coming from city life it is so nice to be able to open our door and see little kids riding bikes and moms walking strollers – and people smile a lot here, like as a way to be nice and say hi not because they’re about to try and sell you something. I’m not used to that after living in NYC for so long.

How old are your kids?
Ava will be 3 in October and Ford will be 1 any day now.

What are your favorite things to do with your kids?
I just asked Ava what her favorite thing to do is and she said “eat grilled cheese at Hyde Park” and I have to agree with her.

Do you have a favorite local store, fitness class or restaurant and why?
I’m a big Modo Yoga fan but also recently fell in love with Bobby at Body Alive.

Can you tell us about your work?
I just launched a podcast Mom School which has been a great creative outlet for me, and I am so damn grateful for all of you who listened! And I continue to contribute to People and Parents Magazine with a focus on motherhood and mental health 🧠💪🏻💗

How has this community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?

The support I’ve received in Cincy since leaving NY/CT has been really amazing. I always knew Cincy people rocked, but moving here made that very clear. I was hesitant and nervous to leave work and where I grew up, but I knew it was the right move for my babes. Every single mom I’ve met since has been so welcoming and inclusive and kind to me and my kids.

Tips for Balancing it all? Motherhood, career, family and social life?

Still trying to figure this one out myself! A guest on my podcast recently, Eve Rodsky, the author of FairPlay said we expect women to work like they don’t have kids and mother like they don’t work. I think it’s really important to rid yourself of unrealistic expectations or you’re going to feel like you’re always falling short.

What is the best advice you have received as a mom?
What’s right for you as a mother and what’s right for someone else as a mother will look completely different and that is how it should be. You can both be incredible mothers and lead entirely different lives. Don’t compare – you never know someone else’s full story.

Tried and True kid products?
The little boo boo ice pack things that come with like a unicorn or bear covering have saved my life several times over the last week. What would have been a tantrum over a “boo boo” aka the smallest scratch you’d need a microscope to see was cured by these little ice dudes.

One thing you couldn’t live without as a Mom?


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